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Christmas Eve, version 2

I had to dig into the archives for this one. I wrote this during our first Christmas here. The Weebeast was only 3, we had only been in the main house for a couple of months, the Girls were still in middle school and traveling back and forth between our home and their home in Oregon. So much was so different from now, and yet, when I read it, I reflected on how much is the same.

It choked me up a little when I found it and I spent an hour going down the rabbit hole of old posts. Stay tuned, I'll be recycling some of those...and forgive me if I admit that some of them made me tear up a little...time really does fly.

Merry Christmas All! My favorite Christmas story has always been the poem, "The Night Before Christmas" by Clement C. Moore. I adapted it a bit so that it fits the Land of Far...if it doesn't make sense, bear with's Christmas! 'Tis the Eve before Christmas In the Land of Far With a night sky that darkens, Then lights up star by star. The cattle have been fed And have huddled together. The dogs lay in straw beds To avoid cold, frosty weather. The Weebeast is excited, And talking nonstop About Santa and reindeer Landing on our rooftop. The house smells of cookies Mixed with sagebrush tree. The Weebeast calls out "Is there hot chot-lit for me?" Stockings hang from the mantel Waiting to be filled. I know in the morning The owners will be thrilled. There's time for one more movie Before I pack Wee off to bed, Time to tell a Christmas story That will shape the dreams in his head. All lights are off Except for those on the tree. Will Santa Claus find us? We'll have to wait and see. As I close my eyes And drift off to sleep, Husbeast is snoring And Weebeast lets out a soft peep. There's a noise on the porch, I'm sure it's the cats. I get up to check though... And catch a glimpse of fur covered hat! A man walks toward the tree And reaches toward his back. I realize it's Santa As he pulls gifts from his pack. He's a rather tall man With a rather large waist. He moves quickly, with purpose Almost missing the cookies in his haste. As he turned to the stockings I caught a good look Of a round, bearded face Just like in the books! But he was dressed a bit different. His suit was still red, But I recognized the coat. This year, it was Filson instead. His boots were black And laced to his knees. Instead of smooth, black leather These, I recognized as Schnee's. And what I had thought Was a red, fur lined hat Was a Stetson instead, With a Cattleman's crease at that! He finished the stockings then Flipped up his fur collar. As he reached for the door, He winked to me, then to his team gave a holler; "Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen! Giddy-up Boys! We've got a long flight! Merry Christmas to All and to All a good Night!"

Meet Ruby

I am Ruby Uhart.  I'm a ranch wife, mom, bonus mom and teacher.  I'm a story teller and keeper of memories.  Thank you for visiting! 

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