The Mountain is Calling....
The last batch of calves needed to be branded and we called on neighbors and friends to come up and help with the task. It seems that no...
It's been a minute...
Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit on a panel with three other ranch women and answer questions from a group of teachers about our...
Meet Kathy DeForest
My husband of 48 years, Tom DeForest, and I have a small cattle and hay ranch a couple of miles out of Adin, CA in Modoc County. It’s...
Meet Irene Smith
I’m Irene Smith and I live on Cottonwood Ranch in O’Neil Basin and have been here for almost 67 years. I am now 89 years old and my main...
Friggin cows...
Yesterday I sat down and started a story aiming to answer the question I had been asked a lot in the last couple days..."How do you ship...
Meet Millie Wakley
My name is Amelia Wakley, I also go by Millie. I was born and raised right here on this ranch in Deeth, Nevada. As a child we helped all...
Meet Jessica Mesna
My name is Jessica (Gibbs) Mesna, and I was born and raised in Nevada. I have lived on a cattle ranch in Northeastern Nevada, northwest...
Meet McKenzie Molsbee...
My name is McKenzie Molsbee, wife to Jason for 10 years and mom to two boys, Easton (9) and Cavin (7). I grew up on my family ranch in...
Planes, trains and automobiles!
Now I can say I have covered all three bases! Last winter, at the close of the winter Beef Board meeting, a fellow CBB member took the...
Meet Suzanne Montero
We run a Red Angus cow/calf operation here at Leonard Creek ranch, 90 miles north of Winnemucca. I live in the middle of nowhere on a...